I have not yet had any tutees come to be about their writing; so far, just about ePortfolio organization. I imagine this will become very helpful as I start to help with the Major Exploration project, where the evidence for that project is drawn from their reading materials.
To the question of student’s relationship between reading and drafting, not from experience but our tutoring guidebook, I take it to be the difference between a solid foundation and knowledge gained from reading provides a much stronger drafting process as the writer doesn’t have to go back and try to understand what they have already read. Instead, they can focus on how best to use that information or organize it to best meet their needs for an assignment, essay, etc. Also mentioned in chapter 8 was the idea of metacognition as necessary for one’s learning process and how that knowledge of self or abilities, the task itself, and then the specific strategies or approaches can significantly help the student’s ability to form those connections between reading and drafting.
In my own experience, I have always started any reading assignment with a pen or pencil and a notebook on hand. In cases where I have specific questions to answer about the reading, I usually read those questions and write them down, then go through the whole piece once, make notes, underline, highlight, etc. and then jump back to the questions. When I don’t have guided questions or prompts, I read by sections and make sure to write summaries in my notebook on the main points, so I don’t continue reading further if I misunderstood something important earlier.
Since I haven’t had any sessions with students about writing, I have not experienced any of the examples from the book. Still, one that I feel could be a factor is since I am in their class and engaging with all the material that my tutees are and have done a lot of their assignments in the past, I will need to be aware of not just telling them what the main point is or how to connect them and try and show them maybe how I interacted with the material but make sure they are the ones to find their own meaning.