My Undergraduate Anthology

Author: eohara (Page 23 of 30)

QCQ #7 – 3/6/23

Quote: “The old idea, once a harlot always a harlot, possesses the public mind. Proceeding from this premiss, people argue that every woman taken from the streets through the agency of penitentiaries, is a woman snatched from an otherwise interminable life of sin, whereas I have shown that the prostitute class is constantly changing and shifting, that in the natural course of events, and by the mere efflux of time the women composing it become reabsorbed into the great mass of our population…how to render the prostitute less depraved in mind and body, to cause her return as soon as possible to a decent mode of living, to teach her by degrees, and as occasion offers, self-restraint and self-denial, to build her up, in short…is the problem to be solved”.

Comment: This way of thinking strikes me as very progressive and in the same line as Mr. Benson’s thought process when grappling with how to deal with Ruth’s situation when she first came into their care – with more of a religious sentiment to it, but similar. In the Lock piece, it references the Contagious Disease Act would require women to undergo examinations for venereal diseases or be placed through legal custody in a “Certified Hospital” for 1-3 months and, if they didn’t comply, faced imprisonment for upwards of 3 months with possible hard labor. I feel this highlights the element of those disjoined laws, made in the abstract, facing public scrutiny as they do not effectively deal with the realities. Acton mentions many of the same issues Ruth faced, though not in the same manner as prostitution, but at this time, not far off. She had engaged in premarital relations, had an illegitimate son, and was dealing with the same kind of issues this piece mentions when attempting to be a member of society.

Question: The Act itself seems to offer an interesting interpretation of women and the law as it allows for women to appeal to the legal system if they feel their detainment is illegitimate based on their circumstances, such as not having a disease any longer, yet at the same time, allows them zero bodily autonomy. Their body becomes an interest of the law, and refusal to be taken results in prison. Again, the question of what behaviors deemed women criminals arise in both the novels we have read seems to apply here as well. I wondered if we could speak more on this idea of prostitution versus the ‘common prostitute’ as we had started to discuss this in class and how varying levels of actions labeled prostitution could influence Acts like this one. As for “The Lock Asylum” piece, I wondered if we could also unpack this statement, “After my visit to the Lock Asylum, I ventured to suggest…a doubt whether this and kindred institutions were adapting themselves to the wants of the day…” – would this really have encapsulated the wants of society or the wants of the idealistic rendition of society. 

Résumé Draft Reflection

The peer review workshop for the resume project was super helpful, and my group was efficient, kind, and thoughtful in giving and receiving feedback. Our group went through the checklist and found that we hit all the essential points of grammar, spelling, etc., so we focused on formatting. For instance, my group helped me figure out how to format my experience and skills section, and it looks so much better now – they helped streamline the dates with the name of the organization/event, and we played around with bold vs. italics. We also helped each other ensure that the tenses were in order and that the dates were easy to find and correct. It was also helpful to see how my other group members worded their skills and embedded them into different sections to make better use of the space, and I will try to do that with mine as well. As always, it is crucial to have a couple of people who don’t know every detail about your life like you do to make sure that the relevant information stands out and is portrayed in the best way possible – they will catch things and provide insights that I would not have otherwise known. 

QCQ #6 – 2/27/23

Quote: “ By the white misery that turned her face to stone – by the wild terror in her imploring eyes – by the gasping breath, which came out as the carriage drove away – he knew that he had seized the spell to make her listen at last” ‘He will take him away from me! He will take the child away from me!’ These words rang like a tolling bell through Ruth’s head. It seemed to her that her doom was certain. Leonard would be taken from her! She had a firm conviction – not the less firm because she knew not on what it was based – that a child, whether legitimate or not, belonged of legal right to the father” (Gaskell 235). 

Comment: I thought this quote was significant regarding the previous chapter, where Ruth continually attempts to dodge Mr. Donne (Mr. Bellingham) as he tries to explain his leaving her, to then that opening of the next chapter where a very jarring and emotional outcry from Ruth. After her own personal pains in seeing him again and most likely feeling threatened that her past would be revisited, the point that sticks out to me is that her next thought is immediately consumed with Lenoard and the worst possible outcome. Not unlike TWH by Brontë, I feel like there is a separation of the personal feelings toward these men when children come in – almost like they sacrifice themselves to be able to either stay with their children or, in Ruth’s case, now have to acquiesce to the decision of Mr. Donne in meeting with him as she fears for both herself and Leonard now. 

Question: I know the novel was published in 1853, but I wondered if there were specific dates the plot is supposed to be taking place within that might allow us to connect Ruth’s case to relevant reform acts or similar case law. I know she alluded to the fact that, legitimate or not, the child would be in the legal care of the father. Yet, it seems like no one was urging for that as a necessity to adhere to either social norms or the law when they found out she was pregnant and abandoned – I’m thinking of the Benson’s here as they seemed to diverge from those norms on all counts, perhaps it would have been a practice to alert the father of a child? I also wondered about the significance of Mr. Bellingham changing his name. I might have missed that detail, but I know that with his position in Parliament, having an illegitimate child would challenge his reputation and status. Did he not want any trace of his youthful wrongdoings, regardless of his not knowing about the child, to be associated with that former name?

Draft Résumé – 2/24/23

Elia M. O’Hara

P.O BOX 159, Biddeford Pool, ME 04006 | (207) 412-8185 |


  • Seeking an internship in the legal field or within advocacy work

Relevant Skills and Experience 

Hale & Hamlin LLC. | Summer intern, June-August 2022

  • wrote summaries of meetings, drafted documents, filed briefs, and reported on findings 

University of New England | Part-time, August 2022- present

  • Paid writing tutor working with peers, faculty, and supervisors (add communication skills) 

Maine American Academy of Pediatrics | Research Contributor, July 2021 – September 2021

  • Compiled background research for the Maine AAP 2021 Equal Rights Amendment Resolution

 University of New England’s College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Student Leadership Advisory Council | August 2021- present 

University of New England’s Arts and Humanities Club | December 2022- present

  • President and Founder 

Bush Lecture Series | September 2021, March 2023

  • Student participant in the annual Bush Lecture Series Private Luncheon


  • Dean’s List – 3 semesters 
  • GPA – 4.00
  • Alumni Scholarship Essay Contest Recipient 2022


The University of New England, Biddeford, ME | August 2021-May 2025 (anticipated)

  • Double Major in English and Political Science, Minors in Writing and Health, Law, and Policy

George Stevens Academy, Blue Hill, ME | 2017-2021

  • High School Diploma


  • Dr. Ali Ahmida | University of New England | | (207) 602-2804
  • Jesse Miller, M.F.A | | (207) 602-2871
  • Sally Mills, Esq. | Hale & Hamlin, LLC | | (207) 610-2484 

Finalized Cover Letter – 2/21/23


Having completed my Cover Letter, I feel much more confident in narrowing down the essential points of what a potential employer would want to know about me immediately. I think that being able to look at samples and read our textbook’s definitions/ tips made this task less daunting when you have a well-thought-out formula that can be personalized to each individual and scenario. Practicing good concise writing that considers the audience and uses the AIDA format is always applicable in a cover letter. You want to always strike attention and interest right from the start so that the rest of the piece will be seriously considered; building that desire and action is what makes the difference between getting an interview and moving to the next steps of the application process or being passed up. While writing and editing my cover letter, I always kept in mind that this was the first impression my prospective employer would get of me – it feels incredibly powerful and essential to figure out how I want to come across. This process also offers time for creativity when balancing professional and persuasive writing. The work has gone well, and I appreciated having extra class time to review samples and discuss what went well and what maybe needed some work. I felt it flowed nicely between our practice in the book and writing our drafts, and devoting that crucial peer review time made me feel more than ready to finalize my own. 

Cover Letter:

Elia M. O’Hara

P.O BOX 159, Biddeford Pool, ME 04006 | (207) 412-8185 |

February 10, 2023

Grace Hooke, Engagement Coordinator

ACLU of Maine

PO Box 7860

Portland, ME 04112

Dear Ms. Hooke, 

I am writing to express my interest in joining the Maine American Civil Liberties Union team as a summer intern for 2023. After reading your advertisement on the ACLU of Maine website, I was eager to bring my enthusiasm to advocate for equality, justice, and representation through this essential community-serving position. 

I am a second-year student at the University of New England with a double major in English and Political Science and a double minor in Writing and Health, Law, & Policy. My interest in the legal field and writing are propelled through internships at local law firms and with local state representatives. Additionally, I have participated in local initiatives ranging from organizing protests, conducting research for Maine organizations, and connecting my academic writing with topics I am passionate about for scholarship opportunities. 

As a summer intern, I can draw from previous practical experiences, such as my role working with a variety of professionals and peers through my position as a writing tutor. I am also the Founder and President of the Arts and Humanities Club on campus, which allows me to be creative when planning events and practice clear, thoughtful communication to ensure events run smoothly. 

Having looked up to the ACLU as a pillar of social justice and a human rights champion since I began to pose questions about the world around me, this position would make my years of admiration and desire to do my part a reality. Thank you for your time and consideration of my application, and I look forward to assisting you further throughout this process. I have provided my phone number and email address below; please feel free to reach out at your convenience.

Yours Sincerely, 

Elia O’Hara

(207) 412-8185

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